Episode Summary

The Trump administration started a long process to repeal the Clean Power Plan this week with its formal announcement it would ax the rule. Climatewire editor and deputy editor Evan Lehmann and Robin Bravender give some insight into the players in the negotiations. Energywire legal reporter Ellen Gilmer talks next steps, and Climatewire EPA reporter Niina Heikkinen explains the stalled -- but still alive -- "sister rule" to the Clean Power Plan. And Energywire reporter David Ferris calls in from Puerto Rico, where the electrical grid is still mostly down and people aren't getting supplies. "Bob Murray says Trump's at work on industry 'action plan'" (Greenwire, 10/10/2017), by Hannah Northey: www.eenews.net/greenwire/stories/1060063221 "Clean Power Plan is doomed. What about its sister rule?" (Climatewire, 10/11/2017), by Niina Heikkinen: www.eenews.net/stories/1060063289 "Legal war looms as EPA targets climate rule" (Energywire, 10/11/2017), by Ellen Gilmer: www.eenews.net/energywire/stories/1060063109 "Puerto Ricans' anger builds as federal workers live large" (Energywire, 10/10/2017), by David Ferris: https://www.eenews.net/energywire/stories/1060063165
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