Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today 2 Timothy 1-2. After the reading, I’ll have some comments for you. I’m calling today’s episode “Before There Was Time.”   Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash Comments on 2 Timothy 1 The apostle Paul wrote this to Timothy from a Roman prison, shortly before he was executed by Nero. The book of 2 Timothy was the last writing we have from him.  There is a place in Rome that is said to be the place Paul was imprisoned. It is basically a cave in the ground with a small opening in the ceiling where they dropped his food down. It is windowless and small, with bare walls. It would have been a very uncomfortable place, especially in the cold winter months. Knowing that he would soon be put to death, he wrote this letter to his “dearly loved son”, Timothy. He was, of course, speaking of his spiritual family. We have seen Paul use this language for Timothy before. Paul wanted to encourage Timothy in his work with some last important words. In verse six, Paul said, “6Therefore, I remind you to keep ablaze the gift of God that is in you through the laying on of my hands.” Have you ever tended a fire in a fireplace or a campfire? In order to keep the fire going, you have to stir it up once in a while. If you don’t, it will go out. Paul is saying, “My son, God has given you a gift, but you have to work at it to keep it going.”  Beloved, we can’t just sit back and expect God to work through us. He expects us to take what He has given us, whatever those abilities are, and put effort into making the most of them for His glory, for His Kingdom. You can’t, for example say, “I have the gift of teaching,” and then just wait for someone to come to you for instruction. You have to actively make yourself available to use the gift. If there is a need for Sunday School teachers, volunteer. Don’t wait to be approached.  It seems that Timothy may have been somewhat timid or fearful to making the most of his gift, because Paul said, “7For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.” Going back to the example of the gift of teaching, if you have been gifted this way but feel fearful or shy about making yourself available, understand that that feeling does not come from God. With the gift, God also gave you the ability to make use of it…he gave you the power to use it. If it is from God, it is backed up with His power. And His love. And the mental ability to use the gift. When you are given a gift,
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