Fraser T SmithMusic, Society & Culture, Arts

Episode Summary

Brian Eno and Es Devlin - the episode where I didn’t ask a single question and yet somehow…they answered all of them. What absolute magic this was to witness and I can only hope I get to do it again soon as I discovered they are in fact, the ultimate dinner party guests. Brian and Es took it away and riffed on climate change, choral singing, taking creative mistakes seriously, the life of whales and lab meat. Of course all peppered with their showbiz stories involving Bowie, Bono and I threw one of my own in about Celine Dion for good measure. I hope you enjoy listening to these two as much as I did. Listen to the 12 Questions album here:
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  • Humans evolve into animal carnal form, and other section has become pure information. Her children have seemed to evolve without the planet, existing in these imaginary digital worlds to escape, mirror made feedback code of pixels. see so much of our retreating into a pixel place. bring them back from the brink. they felt more comfortable with the pixilated sea. humans prefer the framed version of things.
  • Humans evolve into animal carnal form, and other section has become pure information. Her children have seemed to evolve without the planet, existing in these imaginary digital worlds to escape, mirror made feedback code of pixels. see so much of our retreating into a pixel place. bring them back from the brink. they felt more comfortable with the pixilated sea. humans prefer the framed version of things.
  • It's not sentimentality, understanding the whole system needs all the other bits otherwise it affects all the other bits
  • As ways into a solution, could we make shift into stopping eating animals that would be a huge step attitude towards land. lab meat. beef deforestation, true cost of beef Land is not doing something else. 70% deforestation to grow soy, to feed cattle to eat beef.
  • Revolutions come in 2 phsases. 2nd phase comes when everyone else realises, everyone else realises something is wrong. minority is media and government's
  • The soviet russia gone in a night. the world didn't collapse because as the system got less able to make things happen people made their own ways
  • The collapse of civilisation quite soon, what quality of life we live in
  • Climate change, how many degrees is it going to be. six degrees book
  • Ego necessary to push themselves forward they know they are assuming a character
  • Artist needs to be a character entering or emerging from.