Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is  Job 39-40, and I’m calling the episode “The Voice of God.” Comments on Job 39-40 It’s easy to think of this scene with God’s awesome, booming voice rumbling and shaking everything around for miles as He speaks out of the storm. And maybe it did happen that way. He can be a fearsome God.  But I like what the commentator F. B. Meyer wrote: “Divine power and human ignorance. When the storm had ceased and the thunder was hushed, a voice spoke out of the golden splendor of the sky. Job had challenged God to answer him and now he is taken at his word. We recall Horeb’s ancient cave, where, after wind and earthquake, there came a sound of gentle stillness. “Gird up now thy loins,” said the Eternal to Job. In later years, under similar circumstances, the Spirit entered Ezekiel to strengthen him. Surely some such strengthening was forthwith given the patriarch! “A sublime series of questions is now addressed to him, not by a God of judgement and wrath, but by a Father arguing and pleading with his child and pointing out two things: first, the inability of mortal man to understand the way of God; and second, the minuteness and tenderness of God’s providence. Job had thought of him as remote, but he is near and is ordering all things wisely and lovingly. Can he forget his child?” Job had surely been through the wringer. He was weak of body, mind and spirit. I don’t see God coming at him with anger or judgement. He certainly didn’t need to intimidate Job with awesome displays of power. I agree with Meyer. I think He talked to Job as a loving Father, pointing out that the questions Job asked had answers that were beyond his understanding. This is an oversimplification, to be sure, but God’s answer, in its essence is, “I am God. You are not. Trust me.” God is saying, “Job, do you have faith in me? Then trust me.” Dark and painful times come to each of our lives. Sometimes we raise our eyes to Heaven and ask, “Why, God? Why?” And more often than not, all we get in reply is silence. ….  There is no revelation, no sudden insight that offers an answer. Just silence. And then, if you linger with God a while longer, you might hear His still, small voice say, “Do you trust me?” What do you say? I have learned to say, “With all my heart, Lord.” Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Steve Webb Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 39-40 CEV Support This a value for value podcast. There are no advertisers because advertising equals censo
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