Episode Summary

What is the likelihood that the PSAC strike will cause other unions to make demands for really large wage increases or else they'll strike? Are we at the beginning of something larger for unions as a whole?Guest: Dr. Eric Kam, Professor of macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, International Monetary Economics, Implications of Monetary Growth, with Toronto Metropolitan University-Did you watch the CFL's draft or the Toronto Maple Leafs in the playoffs? Is there a pairing that's worse than that? Was there a plan that just didn't work out or are they just oblivious?Guest: Steve Foxcroft, NFL Chain-Gang Member, Vice-President, Fluke Transport-Should we be worried about the future of AI technology and its relationship with humanity? If the man who's garnered the nickname "The Godfather of AI" mentions some concerns, perhaps we should worry a little.Guest: Dr. Ori Freiman, Post-Doctoral Fellow at McMaster University's Digital Society Lab
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