Episode Summary

HAIL MIGHTY LISTENERS!! Short and sweet with our focus on the new releases. We hope this finds you well. Stay awesome, grab some refreshments, and join us for episode 62! The 2 Ps TIMESTAMPS 00:01:08 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Ben approaches the end of his Space Wolves company, Dan is working on more Nurgle...Korne will be most displeased 00:30:59 - GALAXY OF WAR - A stare to scare, A titan of wonderous proportions, and Heavy intercessors. 00:53:46 - THE MORTAL REALMS - Air Elves, Some superb new Vampires and we get a bit excited about a new warhammer quest 01:11:34 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We shout out some frankly superb hobby. 01:35:39 - INTO THE WILDS - We look at Loot studios new STL subscription SHOUT OUTS https://www.instagram.com/journeytothewarp https://www.instagram.com/k03rnl https://www.instagram.com/upplander https://www.instagram.com/sol_vince https://www.instagram.com/rapid_tabletop https://www.instagram.com/raddicraft Bens sounds for the tunes. Find our Hobby Forum here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/410235512732490
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