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Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today we’ll read Ezekiel 25-30. Afterwards, I’ll have some thoughts to share with you. I’m calling today’s episode “Judgement.” Comments on Ezekiel 25-30 Chapters 25-32 are chapters dealing with the nations surrounding Judah. God has dealt with His chosen people in the chapters previous to these, but now His judgement will be on the godless nations surrounding Judah and Jerusalem. Commentator Warren Wiersbe wrote, “What the nations didn’t realize was that the destruction of Jerusalem wasn’t just a punishment of the Jews; it was also a warning to the Gentiles.” And commentator Charles Feinberg continued the thought,  “The principle of I Peter 4:17-18 is pertinent throughout this section. If God judged His own people, in justice He must judge the nations for their sins as well.” Ezekiel 25 God pronounces judgement on Ammon, Moab, Edom and the Philistines. Interestingly, the Ammonites lived to the east side of the Jordan river. Their territory is included in what is now known as the country of Jordan. The capital of Jordan is Ammon. So the name lives on to this day. Ezekiel 26-28 Tyre, a thriving trading city and kingdom, is judged Ezekiel 28 Eze 28:12b-13a….“ ‘ “You were the model of perfection. You were full of wisdom. You were perfect and beautiful. 13You were in Eden. It was my garden. All kinds of jewels decorated you. 14a: I appointed you to be like a guardian angel. I anointed you for that purpose. 18-19: 18Your many sins and dishonest trade made your holy places impure. So I made you go up in flames. I turned you into nothing but ashes on the ground. I let everyone see it. 19All the nations that knew you are shocked because of what happened to you. You have come to a horrible end. And you will be gone forever.” ’ ” Ezekiel 29 This is the first of four chapters which prophecy against Egypt. Israel had long looked to Egypt in times of trouble, going back to Abraham’s time in Canaan. (Gen 12:10-20) In Isaiah 31:1, God warned Israel by saying, “Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help.” Even though Egypt kept Israel in bondage for 400 years, they still looked to Egypt to rescue them from the Babylonians here in Ezekiel’s time. So in order to get their eyes off Egypt and on Him, and because of Egypt’s pride, God will destroy Egypt. Comments As we read about these once great nations, we should be humbled. No nation is so big that God can’t utterly destroy it, if it turns its face against Him or against Israel. Yes, I believe that Israel still holds a special place in God’s heart. There are still prophecies yet to be fulfilled that deal with them, so I believe that we should pray for and support Israel. Beloved, I believe that it is imperative that we, no matter where we live, need to pray that people around the world turn to God for forgiveness, guidance, and protection. We need a world wide revival, beloved. God is calling people of all nations to follow Him. Be a light in the darkness, beloved. Share Jesus whenever and wherever the Holy Spirit leads you. You have a lifesaving, eternity-saving message. Don’t hide hide it.
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