Episode Summary

Joey Korenman is the founder of School of Motion and author of The Freelance Manifesto. During the episode, we talk about why and how he started School of Motion, a few tips from The Freelance Manifesto and his love for teaching, his kids and a short commute.   Links: The Freelance Manifesto http://www.freelance.how/ School of Motion: https://www.schoolofmotion.com/ Toil: http://toilboston.com Twitter: twitter.com/SchoolOfMotion   Highlights: - Freelance.how - Story behind his new book - Two parts: Why you should freelance & recipe for getting clients - How he got his start in motion - Opened a motion design studio: Toil - Doing awesome work, but depressed - Didn't like going into work every day - Felt like there was a lack of purpose - So he created School of Motion - Wrong Mountain Syndrome - The Perfect Day Exercise - Tired of trading my time for money - The beauty of releasing products & passive income - Started teaching at a college: Ringling College of Art and Design - School of Motion started - 30 days of After Effects - Business coach helped launch it - Ask people to buy the course before making the course - Webinar about what is now Animation Bootcamp -100 spots filled up - It sold out in ten minutes - Wired to always be chasing more - But it's not sustainable - Design something that can be run without Joey - Finding balance while still working hard - The art of teaching - Motivators : money and doing cool stuff - Doing work you are proud of not just the work you can get - Core of the book: it's not about money it's about time - 93% of the work Buck does doesn't go on their website - You should intentionally do work you don't want to do because it will pay you better - How to go freelance - Before you ever ask someone to hire you, they have to know you and like you - Reliability trumps talent any day - Identify companies who might need motion design - LinkedIn can be your best friend - sign up for one month of "recruiter" allows for advanced feature - Trigger words to get people to open up an email -- remember people
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