Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Associate Producer Paul of Seattle. God bless you! Podcast Introduction Our reading today Joel. After the reading, I’ll have some comments for you. I’m calling today’s episode “Is There A Joel Out There.”   Design: Steve Webb | Photo: vonMitzscha on Unsplash Comments on Joel In studying this book, I came upon a commentary by the 19th century English preacher, Joseph Parker. This man was known as a great orator, so I know I won’t do him justice in quoting him, but these are his words in regards to the prophet Joel:  “We need a Joel today. For his wages we would award him starvation. He would not live in king’s houses. There is nothing today in Church or state that does not need pulling to pieces, cross examination, analysis, that all that is good therein…and there is much good…may be brought into new cohesion, and set to new and fuller uses. Men are bribing men, and then going to the Sunday school; many are saying, “If you will get this property on these terms through my hands it will be on the understanding that…” and the all but silent reply is…”That will, of course, be understood.” And then they go to church! If some Joel were to come he would be starved, he must be starved. No one ever came to do Messianic work who was not nailed and pierced and crucified. It is in vain to preach peace until we have first preached repentance; it is mischievous to say, peace, peace, where there is no peace; It is iniquity in the sight of God to daub the wall with untempered mortar. Nothing is settled until it is settled at the foundations.” We don’t speak like that today, do we? Let me try to paraphrase Rev. Parker: We need someone like Joel today. The church and the culture needs to be completely re-examined to find what is good so that there can be a new and unified partnership with them in order for them to be effective. There is corruption and deal making, even among so called believers. It is foolish to call for peace until we first call for repentance, a turning from our sins and to Almighty God. It is wrong in the sight of God to try to bring repairs with corrupt methods and people. Nothing will stand unless the foundation is strong. As we look at our world today, I think we would have to agree with Rev. Parker’s message. The world is in turmoil. People call for peace and unity, but there is neither peace nor unity. Why? Because God has been expunged from our governments, our schools, our society. We will never have peace until the people turn back to him.  Several shows back I asked you to pray with me for a world wide revival. I believe that is the only way we’ll
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