Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today 1 Chronicles 15-19. After the reading, I’ll have some comments for you. I’m calling today’s episode “What A Promise.”   Comments on 1 Chronicles 17 David looked at the palace he had built for himself and thought, “I should build an appropriate place for the ark of the covenant.” Seems like a good and noble thing to do, right? The prophet Nathan thought so, so he told David to go ahead with the project. But God spoke to Nathan that night, telling him that he had not asked for a house, and it was not David who would build one for him. I like what Charles Spurgeon said:  “Though the Lord refused to David the realization of his wish, he did it in a most gracious manner. He did not put the idea away from him in anger or disdain, as though David had cherished an unworthy desire; but he honored his servant even in the non-acceptance of his offer.”  Beloved, when we ask to do something for God from a pure and loving heart, I believe He is pleased. Even our best efforts and greatest gifts to Him are far short of what He has done for us, but a loving Father finds pleasure in His children’s gifts. When my oldest son was about five or six years old, he found a red brick at the beach that had obviously been tossed around by the waves for a very long time because all the corners and edges on it had been rounded and smoothed by the sand and water. He thought it was a wonderful and unique treasure. And he gave it to me as a gift. I still have that brick. And that little five or six year old boy will be 40 years old this year. I have moved homes many times since he gave it to me, but every time I look at it, it brings warm memories.  And God did something that David would never have anticipated. God told David that HE was going to build a house for David, one that would last forever. God promised David that he would have a descendant on the throne forever. David’s son, Solomon ruled after him, and Solomon built a magnificent Temple for God, and many generations after Solomon ruled over Israel, until they suffered God’s judgement for turning away from Him. But even then, God did not forget His promise to David, and Jesus came from David’s line. So God’s promise to David is even now being fulfilled. David’s response was thankfulness and humility. “Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that you have brought me this far?” Indeed. Who am I God, that you would give Your Son’s life for me? Who am I? Thank you, Lord. I owe you everything, yet You have been so gracious to me. What may I do for You, Lord? I give you my life. I give you my all.
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