Value for Value ⚡️
Episode Summary
We are going to talk about statistics…Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics people are used to say…Statistics is about collection, processing and analysis. It’s both a method and information for your presentation. Carina and Martin talk about how you can use statistics. How do you think about statistics? Please tell us.Send us questions to: info AT pik DOT nu, or contact us via Carina's site or Martin's Bio.Link page. You could also contact us on LinkedIn (Carina Ridenius and Martin Lindeskog).Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:Yerba mateLies, damned lies, and statisticsLittle lies by Fleetwood MacMark TwainThomas Henry HuxleyStatisticsStatistics SwedenMartin's affiliate link for podcast hostingOpen Podcast Prefix Project (OP3)New podcast appsThe episode (6 minutes) was recorded at 1000 Central European Time, on May 11, 2023, with Ringr app.. Martin did the editing and post-production with the podcast maker, Alitu. The transcript is generated by Alitu.Enriched by Vizzy(00:10) Martin LindeskogSelfie of Martin.(00:18) Carina RideniusSelfie of Carina.(01:32) Mark TwainImage of Mark Twain.(02:56) DashboardImage of data stuff.(03:14) PodcastingImages of microphones.(04:48) FiguresFigures and numbers.(06:11) OutroPodcast artwork.Chapters, images & show notes powered by