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Dr. Tripp Fuller | Theologian, Philosopher, Minister

Episode Summary

The most influential academic text arguing against the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ divine image bearers into the life of the Church is Richard Hays’ “The Moral Vision of the New Testament.” He has changed his mind and has a new book developing a theological framework for the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in Christian communities. In this live stream, Daniel Kirk joined me to explore his former professor’s evolution on the issue, why it’s about time for Richard (and lots of other faith leaders) to say so publicly, and how to think ethically with scripture. Those familiar with Daniel’s previous visits to the podcast will know that he has argued publicly for full inclusion based on the logic of scripture for years, even to the point of being denied tenure in evangelical spaces that demand silence. When this new book was announced, I wanted to have him back on to unpack things and hopefully lure more straight allies to find their voice. Daniel Kirk (Ph.D., Duke University) is an award-winning New Testament scholar whose work takes place at the intersection of history, biblical interpretation, and real life. He is currently broadening his intellectual and vocational horizons by studying to be a Physician Assistant. Look for upcoming work to have a robust dose of science and politics mixed into the biblical conversations. Here are some resource links from Daniel: Enfleshed (resources for creating queer-affirming spaces, especially in church gatherings) Peculiar Faith by Jay Emmerson Johnson The Widening of God’s Mercy by Christopher B. Hays and Richard B. Hays The Gospel of Inclusion: A Christian Case for LGBT+ Inclusion in the Church by Brandan J. Robertson God and the Gay Christian: the Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships by Matthew Vines Previous Episodes w. Dr. Kirk on ROMANS + Biblical Authority, Jesus’ Adoption, and Post-Penal Atonement How Paul Preaches Christmas A Man Attested by God The Secret Chart to the END OF TIME (kind of) TNT Easter-Cast Kirk talks Paul w/ Tripp & Pete Rollins  Lexington Theological Seminary is the sponsor for this Episode.
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