Carina Ridenius och Martin LindeskogMarketing, Improv, Self-Improvement, Comedy, Business, Education

Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

AI for learning, self driving cars, can compare radiographs, play chess, social media, use it for podcasting and much more. This are specified AI. It can only do one thing.Why are we scared, then, when we have already used it for several decades and for so many different things?Carina and Martin continue their discussion about AI. Listen and read our ai-generated dialogue and the show notes and learn more.Send us questions to: info AT pik DOT nu, or contact us via Carina's site or Martin's Bio.Link page. You could also contact us on LinkedIn (Carina Ridenius and Martin Lindeskog).Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:AI helps the pupils (news in Swedish)Sam Sethi of Podfans.fmAlitu"Elevate your Podcast with Vizzy Studio"Marly Nilsson on LinkedInThe Pizza Chain That Became an AI Front-Runner"Welcome to, a podcast that is entirely generated by artificial intelligence."The episode (7 minutes) was recorded at 1000 Central European Time, on April 6, 2023, with Ringr app.. Martin did the editing and post-production with the podcast maker, Alitu. The transcript is generated by Alitu.Enriched by Vizzy(00:07) Artwork introPodcast artwork.(00:14) Martin LindeskogSelfie Martin.(00:17) Carina RideniusSelfie Carina.(02:08) Internet searchX-ray hand with computer mouse.(02:41) Podcast workflow(03:08) Self-driving carImage of a modern car.(04:08) Check the show notes!Artwork for the episode.(04:20) Images and chaptersAdd images, chapters and links, with Artwork outroPodcast artwork.Chapters, images & show notes powered by
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