Episode Summary

Patrick MeLampy | Finding Great Co-Founders (Episode 6) Patrick MeLampy (@pmelampy) is the COO and Co-Founder of 128 Technology, one of the hottest startups in Boston (and has raised $57M to date). He’s been awarded 35 patents in telecommunications. Prior to 128 Technology, Patrick was the Vice President of Product Development at Oracle. Prior to Oracle, Mr. MeLampy was CTO and Founder of Acme Packet (NASDAQ: APKT) that was acquired by Oracle in February of 2013 for $2.1 billion dollars. He’s also on the board of directors at Ipswitch. Mr. MeLampy has an MBA from Boston University, and an Engineering Degree from University of Pittsburgh. “The life-cycle of many small businesses ultimately is to be acquired when they can't sustain growth. And so you just got to face into it and say, all right, now it's time.” -Patrick MeLampy “No one will invest in you if you don't invest in yourself first.” -Patrick MeLampy “We always ask ourselves, is that the right thing to do? Then we try to do it. Sometimes it's hard, but that's we do. We saw a lot of shenanigans in the late 90s and early 2000s at other companies, and maybe it's a fall out of that. It's just what we've always done.” -Patrick MeLampy The Cheat Sheet: Learn the key metric when it’s time to sell your company What’s one huge signal you’ve hired the right leader Learn why pivoting in your business is a must Learn why building the right relationships can be the difference between starting something big or always thinking about what could have been Understand what basic fundamental philosophy can help you to rise to the top
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