Episode Summary

Show: 11Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk Julius Volz (@juliusvolz, @PrometheusIO co-founder, promcon.io founder) about the challenges that Prometheus solves, how it does monitoring and interacts with other systems, how it works with Kubernetes, and common-use cases and patterns. Show NotesPrometheus (homepage)Part II - Evolution of Prometheus, v2.0 (via The Cloudcast)PromCon and PromCon VideosPrometheus v1.0 on The Cloudcast (v1.0 launch)WeaveWorks Managed PrometheusRobust Perception Blog (Prometheus consulting)  Topic 1 - You created Prometheus a couple years ago at SoundCloud. What were the core challenges you were trying to solve?Topic 2 - For people new to Prometheus, what does it do (at a basic level) in terms of monitoring containers and applications?What can it monitor?What can it trigger other systems to do? Topic 3 - Prometheus is now part of CNCF. Is it a native Kubernetes service, or a sidecar application for containers, or a broad service that just runs on Kubernetes?Topic 4 - What are the basic things that most people use Prometheus to monitor for?  What are a few complex use-cases?  (application types, application frameworks, usage-patterns, etc.)Feedback?Email: PodCTL at gmail dot comTwitter: @PodCTL Web: http://podtl.com
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