Larry Bushey and Bill SmithTechnology

Episode Summary

Question: What applications are available for Ubuntu MATE? Answer: Thousands. We discuss a few of them by category. Episode Time Stamps 00:00 Going Linux #440 · Welcome to Linux! Pt 9 - Software Choices 00:58 Larry tries Ubuntu Cinnamon 22.04 (ahead of the official flavor) 12:23 Your software choices in Ubuntu MATE 13:32 How many software applications are available? 14:04 Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Chromium, Google Chrome, Brave, Opera, SeaMonkey, Vivaldi, Tor, LYNX, Microsoft Edge 14:48 Email clients: Thunderbird, Evolution, Geary, Mutt, Claws Mail 16:26 Office Suites: WPS Office for Linux, LibreOffice, ONLYOFFICE 21:35 Note taking: Joplin, RedNoteBook, Zim, Simplenote 25:37 Music Players: Lollypop, Clementine, Audacious, DeaDBeeF, Rhythmbox, VLC, Amarok, Musique 30:15 Video Players: VLC, SMPlayer, Miro, MPV Player, Gnome Videos, Dragon Player, Xine Multimedia Engine, Deepin Movie 32:51 Recording audio: Audacity, Recorder, Sound Recorder, Ardour, MusE 35:43 Recording video: OBS Studio, Shotcut 38:37 Games: Xonotic, Warsow, SuperTuxCart, Assault Cube, 0 A.D., The Battle for Wesnoth, Dota 2(requires Steam), Team Fortress 2(requires Steam), FreeCiv, Alien Arena 43:47 What is YOUR favorite application? 44:34 Software recommendation: Discord 47:54,, +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, listen, subscribe 49:13 End
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