Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is Genesis 4-7. After that I’ll address what some people see as difficulties in those chapters. We’ll do Our reading today is Joshua 6-10. After that I’ll have some comments on those chapters.. Then we’ll do our “On This Day In Church History” segment. Thoughts Thoughts on Joshua 5 and 6 When God tells you to do something, don’t question Him. Even if you think doing it will make you look silly.  How crazy must the people in Jericho thought the Israelites were when they looked outside the walls on the first day, and saw the parade pass by. “What do those desert wanderers think they’re doing? And what’s with those strange trumpets?”, they must’ve said.  And on the second day, “What? They’re doing it again? That’s weird.” And so on for six days. Then, on the seventh day: “Oh for crying out loud. They’re back. Oh well. They’ll be gone soon.”  “Wait. They’re going around again. That’s strange.”  “And again?” And if you’re one of the Israelites, how silly must you have felt to be walking out there, doing nothing, saying nothing. “Come on! If we’re going to take this city, let’s take it already! Let’s storm the walls! Let’s build a battering ram for the door! Let’s DO something! What’s with all this WALKING?” “Wait. Joshua’s telling us to go around seven times today? What? We’re supposed to yell when we hear the ram’s horn? Does he really think that’s going to scare the inhabitants into surrender, or something? Sheesh” Of course we know what happened, but since they didn’t have the book of Joshua to read back then, this whole series of events must have looked and felt incredibly silly and stupid at the time. When God tells you to do something, don’t question Him. Even if you think doing it will make you look silly.  Thoughts on Joshua 7 The first word of today’s chapter is “But”. Whenever we see that, we need to remember what the previous statement was, because “but” is a word that ties two thoughts together. If I say to you, “But I’m going to have a snack,” you don’t know the full meaning of that statement. I might have said,”I just ate” or “I’m late for an appointment” or “I’m on a diet” or “Dinner is in fifteen minutes” or any number to other things. Each one of those opening statements gives a bit of a different flavor to my “But I’m going to have a snack” statement. Here in Joshua 7, we have to go back to the last sentence of Joshua 6, which read, “So the lord was with Joshua, and his reputation spread throughout the land.” And the first sentence of Joshua 7 was, “But Israel violated the instructions about the things set apart for the Lord.”  And then the story of what happened unfolds. We see that the sin of one man ignited God’s wrath against the entire nation. You’ve heard the phrase, “No man is an island”? That fact is shown to be true here. Our secret sins, even if we think they won’t affect anyone, are seen by God, and they do affect others. Our families, our churches, our communities, our nation.  The fact that Joshua was committed
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