CoSchedule: The Only Way To Organize Your Marketing In One Place.Management, Marketing, Business

Episode Summary

Marketers are creative people that tend to have a lot of ideas. So why is coming up with ideas when content creators, marketers, and problem solvers need them most is so difficult? There are a lot of reasons, but also a lot of simple solutions.  Today’s guest is Melanie Deziel, Director of Content at Foundation Inc. and author of The Content Fuel Framework. Melanie breaks down flawed assumptions about creativity in content and marketing and shares practical tips and processes to replace those assumptions to think more creatively and create better content.   Some of the highlights of the show include: Content Fuel Framework: System helps come up with creative content ideas Ideation: Why is it difficult for marketers to resolve problems, lack processes Creativity Constraints: Systems, guardrails, processes enable genius moments Step 1: Stop thinking of content idea as single thing that is completely undefined Step 2: Bring focus and format (i.e., article, video) to life and more organized Outcomes: Content ideas become renewable resource, not limited supply   Links: Melanie Deziel on Twitter Melanie Deziel on LinkedIn Storyfuel Foundation Inc. The Content Fuel Framework The Organized Mind Ben Sailer on LinkedIn CoSchedule   Quotes from Melanie Deziel: “The Content Fuel Framework is essentially a system that you can use to tap into your creativity when you need to come up with content ideas.” “We are much more creative, much more productive, and much more efficient when we have some level of organization around the way we approach coming up with content ideas.” “Stop thinking of content idea as a single thing that is completely undefined. It has parameters.” “Creativity just seems so inherently unstructured that it’s like sacrilege to suggest that we put some limitations on it to help us get there.”
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