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The Wandering DP Podcast
Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer, Director of Photography, & Leica M EnthusiastTechnology, Arts
Patrick O'Sullivan - Cinematographer, Director of Photography, & Leica M EnthusiastTechnology, Arts

Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

We are back at it this week looking at a recent commercial and doing a little breakdown.  Normally a job like this I wouldn't highlight the approach but after talking with Elliot Nieves on a recent episode about this series I thought it might be beneficial to look at what works and what doesn't work when you are constrained for one reason or another.Hopefully if you are ever in a similar situation this will give you a good idea of what to expect and how you can deal with the challenges on the day.Enjoy!Cinematography Course: Mastering ExposureMastering Exposure is out now.  It is the latest course in the line up and so far the reviews have been awesome.In the course I detail how I learned exposure and I share how I would get up to speed the fastest way possible if I was starting over today.Cinematography can seem incredibly complex but underneath it all there are some fundamental decisions that must be made if you are going to get images you are happy with.  Exposure and understanding how to best manipulate exposure and why one way is better or more efficient than another is absolutely essential if you are going to work with a crew and on schedule.This course is my attempt at sharing my exact process so you don't have to struggle to find answers like I did.If you are interested you can check out the course here:Mastering Exposure - The Language of Image Creation The Spot - Nowhere to Hide
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