Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction In our reading today we’ll read 1 Kings 10-1, and after the reading I’ll have some comments. I’m calling today’s episode “How To Stay Faithful.” Comments on 1 Kings 11 In chapter 11, we saw that Solomon wandered from God because he loved many foreign women. He had 700 wives of royal birth, and 300 concubines. This went against Deuteronomy 17:17 which says, “The king must not have many wives. If he does, they will lead him astray.”. The fact that he married Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, and Sidonians made it even worse. Compare this with Solomon’s prayer upon the completion of the temple. That prayer was sincere, and Solomon loved the Lord and his people at that time. What happened? He took his eyes off God. He is affections went toward his wives. Which is why it is important to pay attention to your relationship with God. If you love God today, that is wonderful. But, let Solomon be an example to you. Take seriously the importance of maintaining the relationship. There’s a joke about the wife who asks her husband if he loves her. He says, “I told you a loved you the day we got married. Until I tell you otherwise, nothing has changed.” The reason that is funny to us is that we know that it’s patently ridiculous. Love in a marriage should always be restated and reinforced. So just because you love God today does not mean you should or can relax. God isn’t going anywhere, but your heart will probably wander if you don’t maintain the relationship.. How do you maintain your relationship with God? In many of the same ways that you do with people you love. You spend time with them. You care about what they care about. You tell them you love them, and more important than telling them is demonstrating it in a thousand different ways. You prioritize time with them, meaning that you set aside certain times to be with them. You talk with them. You share your heart with them. You find out what what matters to them. God has shared his heart with us through his Word, the Bible. Your listening to this show is a great start in hearing God’s heart, but I hope it also gives you a thirst to want to read and study it on your own. At the end of the show I sometimes ask you,”What do you think? ” That’s not a rhetorical question. I want you to think about what God is saying to you as a result of each day’s reading. You can and should spend time with God in prayer. Prayer should be a conversation. Take turns. You talk, then you listen, then you respond, then you listen, etc. The Holy Spirit will speak to you. Also, scripture tells us that when two or more are gathered together in his name, he is there in the midst of them. So another way to spend time with God is to go to church. Go to Bible studies, serve in a ministry of some sort. Make God the center of your life, and be faithful about it. If you are married, serve God as a team. If you are single, the apostle Paul said that is a better way because your affections aren’t split between your spouse and God. But, he acknowledges that not all can live that way, and marriage is okay. But when you are looking for a spouse, be sure they have a solid, real relationship with Jesus. You don’t want to be drawn away like King Solomon was. What do you think?
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