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Episode Summary

Potter Revisited Episode #51 Snape's Grudge AKA Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 14 "Snape's Grudge" They are finally tightening security - why wasn't this done the first time Sirius Black broke in?   Ron has become an instant celebrity for almost being murdered - a Hogwarts thing?  Neville's punishment is very harsh - is it really all his fault?  Hagrid is acting like a responsible adult  Is Hagrid a hypocrite asking Ron to forgive Hermione?  Ron convinces Harry to sneak into Hogsmede for the next weekend despite Ron's near death experience and Harry being the prime target - do they ever think?  Shay finds Hermione unlikable for threatening to tell on Harry and Ron on their Hogsmede Plan - but is it just Hermione's character?  Hermione's less likeable traits are really ignored in the films - especially PoA When Harry goes to sneak into Hogsmede, Snape finds him - does he suspect the entrance?  The Malfoy / Harry mud fight is so fun and amusing  Despite Harry's mad dash back to the castle, he is caught by Snape and is so very obviously guilty Shay finds Snape's dialogue so funny  Harry is obviously guilty and in trouble but Snape brings up James Potter for no reason and uses him against Harry  +1 Snape Sucks  Shay has a lot of sympathy for Snape and how he is undercover and working to save Harry's life while Harry is out putting himself in danger Tori has very little if any sympathy for Snape Snape is telling Harry a very different version to his father than he has been told - which opens up the idea to Harry that his parents not might be what he imagined them  Snape finds the Marauders Map and when trying to work it, it insults him. What insult do you think is best?  Both Tori and Shay discuss what Lupin's internal reaction would be to seeing Harry with the Marauders Map Shay thinks Lupin is regretting the choices he made as a Marauder. Lupin's past is really coming to get him  Lupin tells Harry and Ron off for going out, bringing up Harry's parents - is he manipulating Harry?  Is Lupin projecting his feelings about not telling Dumbledore about Sirius or the map and taking it out on Harry? Hermione comes in at the end to rain on the already terrible parade that Hagrid lost his case Snape Sucks total for Chapter 14: 1 Email any thoughts, questions or feedback to potterrevisitedpodcast@gmail.com Fill our our Listener Survey here: https://forms.gle/QFEJNAEtQdzXLSBC7 Music: Shelter Song by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Follow Us:  Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/potterrevisited Twitter https://twitter.com/potterevisited Instagram https://www.instagram.com/potterrevisited_/ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4v2Xt0OIQ8_LCVYhKf2S5A TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@potterrevisited
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