Episode Summary
Originally published via Patreon on 30/08/24Can the brilliant contemporary of Charles Darwin, Dr. Nathaniel Essex find a way to cure hereditary diseases and what Sinister deeds will he commit in the pursuit of science? In another time lost adventure Cyclops & Jean must once again stop Apocalypse's ascent but this time in Victorian London! Join me as I discuss Essex Factors, dead babies & The Hellfire Club! #PrepareForPrattleTo read this and the previous Adventures Of Cyclops & Phoenix mini-series buy that collection here! https://amzn.eu/d/5bCmgTwIf you'd like to read Chris Claremont's original intended origin for Mister Sinister buy this book! https://amzn.eu/d/4aHIUj7Where to find the Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores Podcast…Follow this link to find your preferred podcast catcher of choice pod.link/danboresFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/secretboresThreads:https://www.threads.net/@spiderdansecretboresTiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dan_boresInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/spiderdansecretbores/?hl=enDiscord: https://discord.com/invite/CeVrdqdpjkIMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22023774/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/spiderdan_2006/Like, share, comment, subscribe etc. and don’t forget to use the #PrepareForPrattle when you interact with us.Please subscribe to The Pop Culture Collective newsletter to find out what myself, Comics In Motion and all the other related podcasts are up to week by week https://pccnewsletter.com/I’d like to thank my patrons on #Patreon for their continuing donations it is very much appreciated and helps PrattleWorld keep turning and if you ever find yourself in a position to help the podcast please consider it. https://www.patreon.com/spiderdanandthesecretboresIf you would like to make a one off donation head over to https://ko-fi.com/spiderdanandthesecretboresIf you want to #JoinThePrattalion and to be briefed in full on the #SecretBores head