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Episode Summary

Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 11 GNT, Ch. 12 CEB Executive Producer John Train Podcast Introduction Today is Poetry Thursday. We’ll read Proverbs 11-12. I’m calling this episode “The Way That Leads To Life.” Design: Jason Paschall | Photo: Saeed Karimi on Unsplash Comments on Proverbs 12 Let’s spend a few moments on some of these verses, shall we? 1Those who love discipline love knowledge, and those who hate correction are stupid. The book of Proverbs contrasts wisdom vs foolishness. In this verse, we are instructed that it is the wise who keep learning, and have a willingness to receive instruction.  Eighteenth century theologian Charles Bridges wrote of this verse: “If we find that we are upset when our faults are pointed out to us, that shows we lack not only grace but understanding. We are behaving as if we were stupid…. Oh, for a teachable spirit to sit at the feet of our divine Master and learn from him.” 3No one is established by wicked acts, but the roots of the righteous can’t be disturbed. The fool, the wicked person often seeks to gain power or wealth by cutting corners or cheating, lying and stealing. These people will never have God’s blessing. Adam Clarke, the 19th century theologian and author of the highly regarded Clarke’s Commentary wrote this: “Evil is always variable: it has no fixed principle, except the root that is in the human heart; and even that is ever assuming new forms. Nothing is permanent but goodness; and that is unchangeable, because it comes from GOD.” Regarding the second half of this verse, “…but the roots of the righteous can’t be disturbed.” We have several Scriptures that promise this truth. John Trapp, the 17th century Bible commentator wrote, “‘God is my rock, I shall not be greatly moved.’ [Psalms 62:2] Nay, ‘I shall not be moved at all.’ [Proverbs 12:3] ‘The gates of hell cannot do it.’ [Matthew 16:18] ‘None can pluck them out of God’s hands,’ [John 10:28] for he ‘hath laid help upon one that is mighty.’ [Psalms 89:19]” 13The wicked are trapped by the transgressions of their lips, but the righteous escape from distress. The one
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