Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is Job 5-6. After that I’ll have some comments on chapter six. I’ve been a bit long-winded on the last couple episodes, so today’s comments are shorter. Then we’ll do our “On This Day In Church History” segment, after which we have some prayer requests and praises. Thoughts on Job 5 Last week we read the beginning of Eliphaz’s remarks to Job, in which he basically said that obviously Job is suffering because there is some sin in his life, and God is punishing him.  In today’s reading, among other things, Eliphaz continues his oh-so-helpful-and-compassionate statements by saying how happy Job should be, since God is correcting him. And he concludes by saying that he and his friends are speaking from having studied these things for a long time, and that Job ought to just accept it. Well there you go. So much for flowers and a get well card. It’s amazing how hurtful some people can be when someone they know suffers some sort of calamity. Listen. When a friend of yours is hurting or sick or has suffered some sort of loss, don’t try to make this a teaching moment; that is not being a friend.  The best thing you can do is just be with them. Sit with them. Pray with and for them. Bring them a meal. Just love them.  Thoughts on Job 6 After Eliphaz has his say Job has to say something.  And oh my goodness. Job’s despair is palpable, isn’t it? His physical pain is unbearable, but that’s only part of the pain he is suffering. His spirit is broken, too.  He had to sit and listen as his so-called friend said that he must have done something to deserve the calamities that have befallen him, and in the words we read today, he shows that he feels as if he has become a target for God’s wrath. Remember Jesus’ words on the cross? “My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me?” Such hopelessness and utter despair. Next week we will read more of what Job said in response to Eliphaz. They are heartbreaking words. A Modern Day Job? Almost exactly thirteen years ago, I interviewed my friend Kenny Metcalf. Kenny was the keyboard player for the band Stryper back in the 80s. As a matter of fact, Kenny was the guy who shared the Gospel with the members of the band, before they were known as Stryper, and brought them to Christ.  A few years after he left the band, Kenny was stricken with an autoimmune disease that caused sores all over his body, literally from the top of his head to the bottoms of his feet. He truly had a Job-like experience.  In the interview, we talked about his early life, how he knew the guys who would become the band Stryper, his touring with the band, his disease, how he praised God even as he was near death, and how God healed him. If you would like to hear the interview, just go to I also videotaped the interview, and have much of it on YouTube. I’ll remind you that this was thirteen years ago, so the video quality is not great, but you might enjoy watching. The interview had to be broken up into several segments
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