Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is Psalms 84-86. Afterwards, I’ll have some thoughts to share with you. I’m calling today’s episode “Today’s Activity.” Comments on Psalms 84-86 Have you ever gone to church when you didn’t feel like going? I have. There are a lot of reasons that we might not want to go. Sometimes it’s because we don’t feel well, physically. Sometimes we might be mad at somebody there. Come on. Let’s get real. Am I right? Maybe we’re even mad at the pastor. Or maybe we’re feeling a distance from God. Maybe we don’t feel like worshiping Him. Maybe we’ve fallen into some sort of sin, and we feel like the last place we have the right to be is in church. Maybe we don’t think the church is “meeting our needs”, whatever that means.  Whatever the reason, today’s Psalms are great for reminding us that praising God is really a good thing to do. You know, when I don’t feel like going to church, and go anyway, and then allow myself to engage in worship…really lift up my heart and my voice to God in worship…my emotions and my spirit, and even my body (when I’m feeling under the weather) begin to feel better. We are primarily spiritual beings, made in the image of God, and when we worship Him in spirit and in truth we are rewarded with spiritual blessings. We are drawn closer to our Creator, and He responds to us by ministering to us in whatever manner we need at that time.  When we obediently bring our sacrifices of praise to God, not because we want something from Him, but because He deserves them, it is a way of reaching out to Him in a way that brings refreshment to our soul.  These Psalms are so very encouraging to read. They remind us of how great and deserving of our devotion and worship our God is. They are a good place to go when we’re down. When we get our eyes off of us and on Him, when we go to Him for comfort, or just to hang out, He is delighted and He blesses us. How about spending some time today praising God? Design: Steve Webb | Photo: vickiido on Unsplash Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 84-86 GNT Support This a value for value podcast. There are no advertisers because advertising equals censorship. If you enjoy the Lifespring One Year Bible Rewind, decide how much value it brings to you. Only you can make that determination. Then put a number on the value and donate here:
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