Episode Summary
Episode 110 - Testimony Series - Spiritual Resilience in Hollywood This episode is a part of our December Testimony series. A series of short testimonies of times that God showed up upon set or in ways related to the film-industry.In this episode, Deborah Rutherford, an Emmy award-winning makeup artist, shares how she deals with colleagues taking the Lord's name in vain as she works in the film industry. She sees her work in Hollywood as a divine assignment, likening it to a soldier stationed where needed.Bio:Deborah Rutherford is a Christian writer, poet, podcaster, Emmy recipient makeup artist. She founded the Behold-Her Beauty Blog and Podcast at www.deborahrutherford.com. Although raised in California, she and her husband, Don, now call Georgia home. She enjoys a good cup of tea while journaling and Bible study, and as a beauty and wonder seeker, she finds her soul rest on nature walks. She has been published online at Gracefully Truthful Ministries, Aletheia Today, guest blogs and has a devotion in the anthology The Lord is My Shepherd, published by Arabelle Publishing and the Calla Press, Literary Journal Spring 2023.Deborah's IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0665625/Deborah on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deborahrutherfordwrites/Deborah on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mrs.DeborahRutherford/Deborah on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3x1zSsbEC9xyfz9hmGVvnJ?si=0ff063e45aeb4f75Writers Retreat - Mexico: https://www.faffassociation.com/writers-retreatJaclyn's Book - In the Beginning, Middle and End: A Screenwriter’s Observations of LIfe, Character, and God https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9R7XS9VVIP Producers Mentorship Program https://www.faffassociation.com/vip-producers-mentorshipThe Faith & Family Filmmakers podcast helps filmmakers who share a Christian worldview stay in touch, informed, and inspired. Releasing new episodes every week, we interview experts from varying fields of filmmaking; from screenwriters, actors, directors, and producers, to film scorers, talent agents, and distributors. It is produced and hosted by Geoffrey Whitt and Jaclyn Whitt , and is brought to you by the Faith & Family Filmmakers Association Support Faith & Family Filmmakers Our mission is to help filmmakers who share a Christian Worldview stay in touch, informed, and inspired. If you would like to assist with the costs of producing this podcast, you can help by leaving a tip.Get Email Notifications Enter the Faith & Family Screenwriting Awards festival Faith and Family Screenwriting Academy: https://www.faffassociation.com/Script Notes an