Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is Exodus 29-32. Since it’s Monday, you know that this is one of the books of the Law. I’m calling today’s episode “It’s All Him.” Comments on Exodus 29-32 Oh my goodness. What a tremendous range our reading covered today. From the anointing of Aaron and his sons as priests, to the instructions for sacrifices, to God’s giving the tablets of the Law, inscribed with his own finger, to the abomination of the golden calf, to Moses’ interceding on behalf of the people. I hardly know where to focus my comments today.  I could talk about how Jesus is represented in establishing the priesthood, in the daily offerings, and in the different elements talked about in chapter 30, which were the altar of incense, the ransom each person was to pay at the census, the bronze basin, the anointing oil and the incense that was used in the tent (or tabernacle). All of these things pointed to Christ in a specific way.  I could talk about how God enables us for the work He calls us to, as He did Bezalel and Oholiab, and all the workers who were to help with the work.  Or I could talk about the significance of God delivering the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone. And, I could talk at some length about the shameful scene of the golden calf.  Beloved, as I sit here today reading these four chapters, I am dumbfounded at God’s infinite patience and love for us. I cannot fathom how or why our omniscient, righteous, holy God, knowing the path mankind would take, would nonetheless create us. Think of it. He created a perfect planet for us. He placed our first parents, Adam and Eve there, where there was no sickness, no death. Nothing was there that would cause harm. But because God wanted mankind to love Him of their own will, He gave them the ability to make the choice between right and wrong, knowing that they would make wrong choices. And you know the rest of the story.  Ultimately, God made a way, at great cost to Himself, for mankind to be reconciled to Him, if they would just believe in the Savior He, Himself provided.  This is a love that drives me to my knees, beloved. I can only offer up my feeble praise and worship. I have nothing of value to offer Him. He didn’t choose me because of anything I could do for Him. He is entirely self-sufficient. He doesn’t need us. But for some inexplicable reason, God wants to love us and be loved by us. The entire relationship between God and man is based on His infinite love.  Why would He put Himself through the heartbreak of seeing us rebel against him time and time and time again? Why would He give up the glories of Heaven, to live on the Earth as one of us, only to be mercilessly beaten and hung on a cross? Why would he? I honestly cannot begin to imagine this kind of love. All I can do is accept it, knowing that it cost Him so much I can never repay Him. And I offer Him my life, as broken as it is, to do with whatever He wants. Some people might say, “Isn’t that a scary thought, to offer your life, not knowing what He’ll do with it?” And my response is, “Whatever He does, He will do with love. Why should I worry? He loves me, and He is good.”
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