Episode Summary

Kelley Long began her career in big 4 accounting like so many other CPAs. However, she had to quickly shift her path with the fallout that happened after September 11, 2001. Her roles as a bank trust officer and as a workplace financial wellness provider led her to her passion for coaching on the everyday money issues that clients have. In this episode of the PFP Section podcast, Lyle Benson interviews Kelley to share more of her story with our community. The conversation includes the following topics: How did Kelley go from where she was to where she is now, doing her passion work as a financial coach. How did being a member of AICPA’s Financial Literacy Commission impact Kelley’s work? What are Kelley’s thoughts on working in a remote or hybrid environment? What does Kelley want every CPA to know about HSA planning? What does Kelley enjoy doing most and how does she make sure her time and energy are aligned with this? How does Kelley view the future of CPA financial planning? Access resources related to this podcast: Note: If you’re using a podcast app that does not hyperlink to the resources, visit Libsyn (PFP) to access show notes with direct links. Listen to other episodes in this series.  Read Kelley’s article, 9 facts about HSAs that might surprise your clients - Journal of Accountancy. Learn more about the pathways for getting educated and attaining your CPA/PFS. This episode is brought to you by the AICPA’s Personal Financial Planning Section, the premier provider of information, tools, advocacy, and guidance for professionals who specialize in providing tax, estate, retirement, risk management and investment planning advice. Also, by the CPA/PFS credential program, which allows CPAs to demonstrate competence and confidence in providing these services to their clients. Visit us online to join our community, gain access to valuable member-only benefits or learn about our PFP certificate program. Subscribe to the PFP Podcast channel at Libsyn to find all the latest episodes or search “AICPA Personal Financial Planning” on your favorite podcast app.  
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