Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today we will read John 1-2.  I’ll have some comments after the reading, I’m calling today’s episode “In the Beginning.” Associate Producer  With his Associate Producer donation, Sean of San Pedro sent this: Brittaney and I are excited to announce that we’re expecting our first human resource in mid-October! Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash Comments on John 1-2 John 1 is, in my opinion, the clearest declaration of the deity of Jesus there is. It begins as the book of Genesis does: “In the beginning…” Genesis says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” ESV John says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” Further down, we read, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” Could it be any clearer than that? These words thrill me every time I read them, and I’ve been a believer for over fifty years. This chapter never gets old. In chapter two, we read of Jesus’ first miracle, and of His driving out the money changers from the Temple. I’d like to talk about the latter for a few minutes.  The Bible talks about two instances of Jesus doing this. Here, at the beginning of His ministry, and also during His final week.  Why did Jesus have an issue with the money changers?  According to Exodus 30:11-16, a temple tax of a half-shekel was required of Jews and visitors from other nations when they offered their sacrifices. And the tax had to be paid with temple coinage. So in order to pay the tax, all money had to be exchanged for temple money. Those who provided the service of exchanging foreign money into the temple money did so at highly inflated profits, thereby taking advantage of those who came to the temple to make sacrifices to God.  In addition, there were some who sold sacrificial animals to people who didn’t bring their own animals to sacrifice, again at inflated prices. Others were inspectors of animals, to see if they were of high enough quality to be sacrificed. They would often disapprove of animals, forcing the people to buy approved animals, for…you guessed it…inflated prices. These were the people that Jesus drove from the Temple. They were people who exto
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