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Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today we’re going to read 1 Samuel 6-10, and I’m calling the episode “How’s That Workin’ Out For You?”  Comments on 1 Samuel 8 The first section of this commentary was written on September 6, 2020. Six months before this, much of the world began the “fifteen days to slow the spread” of Covid-19. Two months after it was written, the United States would have a presidential election.  The second section was written on November 22, 2021. Thoughts on 1 Samuel 8 – September 6, 2020  In this chapter, we see once more that there is nothing new under the sun.  God rescued the children of Israel out of Egypt, and God looked out for them, cared for them and supplied their needs. He gave them the Promised Land, enabling them to defeat their enemies. But time and again, they forsook God and began to worship the false gods of heathen nations. Each time He forgave them, and for a time they would follow Him, but in the end, they would forsake Him again.  Now in 1 Samuel, they put a different spin on things by saying they no longer wanted a judge, a man chosen by God to whom they would be accountable. No, they wanted a king like the other nations had. But as God told Samuel, “…they are not rejecting you. They are rejecting me.” Think about it. The people had a tremendous amount of freedom. They had land. They could do what they wanted to do, and as long as they followed God’s laws, they would enjoy His blessings. But they fell for the lie that by giving up their freedom, they would have a better life.  Samuel warned them. He told them what living under a king would be like. The king would take them into forced labor. He would take their land. He would take their property, conscript their sons into his army, he would tax them, he would take their daughters. But no, they wanted a king. Does any of this sound familiar? Is there a lie floating around now? Free education. Free health care. Social justice. Freedom from systemic racism. Freedom from God. Please, beloved. Bear with me.  In just under two months, the United States will make a decision. That decision will be between two very different forms of government. On one hand, we have a government that acknowledges God, and the inalienable rights He has given to every person. On the other hand there is a proposed government that rejected the idea of including God in its platform, and would remove by legislation our God given rights. In exchange they promise the freebies I listed a minute ago. The Democrat party has already demonstrated that they are for limiting free speech and freedom of religion. They deny life to the not-yet-born, and in doing so, they deny the notion that each person is fearfully and wonderfully made by God Himself. The riots and destruction we see in many of our cities is the evidence of what happens when groups of people deny the existence of God.  This, and more, is what is in store for America if we choose this “king”.  Beloved, I am well aware that the government we have right now is far from perfect. It has its flaws. It is made up people. But the way to fix it is not to utterly reject it for a system that has proven that it fails every time it’s been tried, because, yes, the Democrat party has been taken over by socialists.  And we must not fall for the lies we are being told by the media. They are compromised. Not reliable.  America is a good country, despite its flaws. Still and all, America
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