Episode Summary

Kohei Saito and Matt Huber discuss degrowth communism, socialist ecomodernism and their respective views on growth, natural limits, technology and progress. --- If you are interested in democratic economic planning, these resources might be of help: Democratic planning – an information website https://www.democratic-planning.com/ Sorg, C. & Groos, J. (eds.)(2025). Rethinking Economic Planning. Competition & Change Special Issue Volume 29 Issue 1. https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/ccha/29/1 Groos, J. & Sorg, C. (2025). Creative Construction - Democratic Planning in the 21st Century and Beyond. Bristol University Press. [for a review copy, please contact: amber.lanfranchi[at]bristol.ac.uk] https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/creative-construction International Network for Democratic Economic Planning https://www.indep.network/ Democratic Planning Research Platform: https://www.planningresearch.net/ --- Shownotes Kohei Saito at University of Tokyo: https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/focus/en/people/k0001_04217.html Saito is chair of the “Beyond Capitalism: War Economy and Democratic Planning” Program at The New Institute: https://thenew.institute/en/programs/beyond-capitalism-war-economy-and-democratic-planning Matt Huber at Syracuse University: https://www.maxwell.syr.edu/directory/matthew-t-huber Saito, K. (2024). Slow Down: How Degrowth Communism can save the Earth. W&N. https://www.weidenfeldandnicolson.co.uk/titles/kohei-saito/slow-down/9781399612999/ Saito, K. (2023). Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism. Cambridge University Press. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/marx-in-the-anthropocene/D58765916F0CB624FCCBB61F50879376 Saito, K. (2017). Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy. Monthly Review Press. https://monthlyreview.org/product/karl_marxs_ecosocialism/ Huber, M. T. (2022). Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet. Verso Books. https://www.versobooks.com/products/775-climate-change-as-class-war?srsltid=AfmBOop0wE8Ljdd-lZjDF-9-RZ_QvjRz2f3EobOv3AYEVpcqMDssRUd9 Huber, M. T. (2013). Lifeblood: Oil, Freedom, and the Forces of Capital. University of Minnesota Press. https://www.upress.umn.edu/9780816677856/lifeblood/ Matt Huber’s and Leigh Philipps’s review of Saito’s recent work: https://jacobin.com/2024/03/kohei-saito-degrowth-communism-environment-marxism on Huber’s critique of degrowth:
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