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Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today we will read Numbers 5-8. I’ll have some comments after the reading, and I’m calling today’s episode “God’s Benediction.” Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Nick Baker on Unsplash Comments on Numbers 5 and 6 Thoughts on Numbers 5 In chapter 5, the Lord began preparing His people for the journey to Canaan, the Promised Land. Part of that process was to deal with the effects of sin among the people. He told Moses to send people who were unclean, the lepers, those who had a discharge, and those who had touched a dead body, out of the camp. Each of these conditions is a reminder of what sin does. Why did this have to be done? Remember what God is doing with His people. He is preparing them to go into the Promised Land. He wanted to remind them that they must separate themselves from sin in order to accomplish this task.  Notice also that in giving this command, He said, “send them away so that the camp where I am living among you will not be made unclean.” God would not dwell where there were any of sin’s effects.  The Lord gave Moses instructions on confessing sin and making restitution, and He had a lot to say about how to deal with jealous husbands and their wives.  Why did He spend so much time on this?  One reason, I believe, is that the marriage between a husband and wife is representative of the relationship between God and His people. We learned last week when we read Numbers that God looked at His chosen people as an unfaithful wife.  Another reason for God spending time on this is that jealousy, whether founded or not, can destroy a marriage, and God’s plan for marriage is that it should be a lifetime commitment.  God’s instructions here in chapter 5 when carried out, would reveal the guilt or innocence of the wife. The truth, once revealed, would then allow the husband and wife to take appropriate actions. It is clear that God does not want husbands and wives to endure the turmoil that jealousy brings.  And since it appears that the ceremony seems to be a public, this was another way for the Lord to teach the people about staying faithful. To each other and to God. Please note that there are different kinds of jealousy. Remember, God says, “I am a jealous God.” If my neighbor gets a shiny new sports car, and I’m jealous because he got it instead of me, that’s sin. I am coveting.  If my neighbor is flirting with my wife, the jealousy I might feel is because he has no right to flirt with her. She is my wife. Only I have the right to fl
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