Episode Summary

How will 155,000 federal workers going on strike impact our economy on the large scale? Could this cause a ripple effect through to the other unions?Guest: Dr. Eric Kam, Professor of Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, International Monetary Economics & Implications of Monetary Growth, Toronto Metropolitan University-Have you ever heard of the Hamilton Cardinals? Chances are pretty good that you might run into them soon as their new owner plans to revamp the baseball team. What does the future hold for Hamilton's second oldest sports team?Guest: Eric Spearin, Owner & Managing Partner, Hamilton Cardinals-Every Canadian knows the story of Terry Fox and his famous Marathon of Hope. Despite his immense impact on Canada's history and Canadians as a whole, there is no permanent museum commemorating him and his legacy. Luckily, there are efforts being made to fix this so Canadians can see the many artifacts from his run and bring people closer to a truly amazing story.Guest: Rob Reid, Chair of the Board, Terry Fox Centre
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