Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary At this time of year I celebrate friends and family no longer alive. Charlie (crabbydogtrix on YouTube) was a man you never forget once you have the fortune of getting to know. After fighting for his United States in the Gulf War, Charlie woke up to the corruption and lies of the military industrial complex and the big banks, speaking out on social media, and then online radio broadcasts and other platforms. His rants and predictions hit home for hundreds of thousands of us, and he and I struck up a friendship through private emails and public video uploads. When he died in early 2016 from a lung infection received during a business trip to China, I was devastated, along with so many others he had positively impacted through his efforts. He was there for years, nudging me to try harder for the cause, always staying kind and funny. He shot a hole through an ounce of silver and sent it to me in the mail. I put a string through it and wear it around my neck sometimes. Charlie had a saying for the last line of every video, which was "that's all I got". It was me who suggested he do so, early on in his YouTube career, and he ran with it. It became one of his signatures. 8 years ago, Charlie uploaded this video, titled "Catastrophic Economic Outlook". As he did so often in his predictions, Charlie gave specific reasons for his opinion, as well as details about what he saw headed our way. He admitted he didn't know exactly when his vision would play out, but I knew then that he was gifted with foresight. More than 5 years after he died, and it has become clear he bordered on prophetic. "The system is going to come crashing down, I believe by design. There is going to be a tremendous push from these same individuals, same institutions who brought us here, to give them ultimate power and ultimate control. Ultimate. Global. Financial. Governance. This is the agenda being implemented to achieve that goal." He and his unwavering voice are sorely missed. I have been preserving his most important YouTube uploads, which could disappear at any time, on alternative platforms. Considering current events, this one is extremely interesting, and I believe he would want it to see the light of day again right now. DRutter
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