Episode Summary

Hidebehinds are mythical creatures from American folklore that are said to inhabit the forests of the United States and Canada. According to legend, they are tall, thin, and very agile creatures that hide behind trees and other objects in the forest to stalk and attack their prey. The name "hidebehind" comes from the creature's ability to remain hidden and unseen, even when a person is looking directly at the tree or object behind which it is hiding. It is said to be a shy creature, and it will only attack humans if it feels threatened or provoked. Fearsome Critters are a group of mythical creatures from American folklore. These creatures were created and popularized by lumberjacks and other workers who spent a lot of time in the woods and used the stories as a form of entertainment.The Fearsome Critters were often described as bizarre and monstrous creatures that had never been seen before. Watch the video here - https://youtube.com/live/co46ebXAizI FIND THE SHOW- TWITTER - https://twitter.com/TOTIWABA FIND BOBBY - TWITTER - https://twitter.com/Pinballbobby FIND TONY - TWITTER - https://twitter.com/bottwater FIND BRI - TWITTER - https://twitter.com/MattsBri FIND KARI - TWITTER - https://twitter.com/FiresOfTruth FIND JAIMIE - LOL NOPE
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