Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is Joshua 11-15. We’ll see the Promised Land delivered to the tribes of Israel. After that I’ll have some comments, and I’ll share some Family comments. Then we’ll do our “On This Day In Church History” segment. Thoughts on Chapter 11 Here in Joshua 11 there are three things I wanted to focus on for just a moment.  Together We see in the first few verses that Israel’s enemies banded together to defeat them. It didn’t matter what their differences were, they knew that Israel had defeated every enemy they faced, so if they were to have any chance at all, they knew they had to fight Israel together.  We as Christians could learn from that. We have a common enemy, too. And that enemy is the enemy of man’s soul. It’s satan. And just as Israel had no prayer of defeating their enemies in the Promised Land without the help of God, we have no hope of defeating satan in our own lives without the help of that same God. Also, the world today is turmoil on a hundred different fronts, but you can be sure that the same enemy is behind it all. It’s satan. He delights when man is fearful, combative, hateful and without hope. It’s our job to tell mankind of the Good News of Jesus Christ. And we have a better chance of success if we forget about the things that cause division amongst us and focus on what we have in common, Jesus the Messiah.But if we are divided, our message is diluted. The world is less inclined to believe us. Jesus said they’ll know that we are Christians by our love for one another. Believers need to focus on the One who died for us, not on our petty differences.  You Have the Necessary Tools Notice that God didn’t fight these battles for Joshua miraculously like he did in the beginning. He has demonstrated to Joshua that He is with him, and He assures Joshua that he will have the victory, but He gives Joshua the battle plan and then leaves Joshua to execute that plan.  Family, as we mature in our spiritual life, he expects more of us. He expects us to fight our own battles. How many times have I heard someone say, “If God would only just take that temptation away, because I just can’t handle it on my own!” Hogwash. He has given you what you need, you just need to do it. God didn’t fight all of Joshua’s battles, and He’s not going to fight all of your battles, either. When God Says “Go” Near the end of the chapter, when Joshua and Israel have nearly completed the task of taking the land promised to their fathers by God, we’re told that “Joshua and his army killed the Anakim from the northern and southern hill country.” Who were the Anakim? When Moses was still alive, just as he brought the people to the threshold of the Promised Land, he sent twelve men in to scout out the country. When they came back, most of the scouts correctly said that it was a land flowing with milk and honey, but they also reported that the people who lived there were strong, and their cities were large and walled. They said, “We even saw the three Anakim clans. In fact, we saw the Nephilim who are the ancestors of the Anakim. They were so big that we felt as small as grasshoppers.” And so the people of Israel became fearful. They forgot about all the miracles God had done for them to bring them out of Pharoah’s Egypt, how he gave them water out of a rock, how he fed them manna from
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