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Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today our reading is  1 Samuel 21-25.  I’m calling the episode “In the Fullness of Time.” Comments on 1 Samuel 23 and 24 In chapter 23, we saw that Saul was still after David, and he almost had him, but God intervened with the report of the Philistines attacking the land. And then in chapter 24, we saw that David had the perfect opportunity to take Saul out, but David spared Saul’s life because Saul was still God’s anointed king. David had been anointed to *become* the king of Israel. God chose him, but He had not chosen to remove Saul just yet.  God’s timing is rarely our timing. Remember His promise to Abram that He would make him a great nation. Abraham waited twenty-five years for the birth of his first son. David knew that it was not his place to rush God. He knew that when God made a promise, He would fulfill it in His time. In our age of nearly instant gratification, we are not very good at waiting. We want it NOW. But waiting can be a good thing. Maybe we’re not ready to receive the thing we want. Maybe it isn’t something that we should have. If it is for us to have, maybe God is testing our faith.  There is a phrase that we see in the Bible. Have you heard it? “In the fullness of time”. In the fullness of time. So many things in our lives depend on the fullness of time. A child comes in the fullness of time. A new job comes in the fullness of time. My children moved out of the shelter of our home in the fullness of time.  My four grandchildren came in the fullness of time, and now there is another one on the way. None of these things could be, or should be rushed. God knows what the perfect time is. And He knows what the perfect time is for you. Are you waiting for something? Are you impatient for that thing to happen? It will, in the fullness of time. Wait on God. Go about your life, serving Him, loving Him, following Him. In the fullness of time, God will bring it to you. Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 21-22 GNT; Ch. 23-25 NIRV Links Mentioned In the Show Lifespring! HymnStories episode on the hymn “Take My Life And Let It Be.” Today’s Music
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