A Hundred Words

Episode Summary

After revisiting earth’s field of macro free will and the now-famous weird “struggle” sound, Brian and Iris confront one of the most difficult subjects we all face as humans on earth - our relationship to changes in life, and our ego’s fears and resistance.  How as humans can we deal with changes in our lives, and how can the universe help us?  The mantra we reference in this episode is: Accept, Trust, Allow, Adjust. Our Facebook Livestream of this episode is here: https://fb.watch/dMpwAtvBQI/ Like and Subscribe at: http://www.facebook.com/AHundredWords Visit us, and subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page at: http://www.ahundredwords.com Disclaimer: Everything we talk about today and forevermore, is no substitute for medical attention. If you are sick, seek the help of a qualified medical professional.
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