Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is  Job 37-38, and I’m calling the episode “Somethin’ Else.” Comments on Job 37 Elihu talks of how he is frightened of the awesome power of God that he sees in thunder and lightening. If you have ever been in a storm like Elihu is talking about, it is truly awe-inspiring.  I am a southern California native. I’ve been here almost all of my life, except for two years, when I was seven and eight years old. We rarely have thunderstorms here, and when we do, they are nothing like the ones I have seen in other parts of the country. Here, they rarely last for more than a few minutes. They don’t go on and on with lightening flashes coming from all around. My son, Tim and his wife Val are living in Florida now, about 20 minutes southwest of Disney World. A couple months ago he made a video call from his phone while they were out shopping. A thunderstorm had already been going for about a half and hour, and the rain was just pouring down in buckets, with thunder and lightening happening probably two or three times a minute. Maybe more. It was crazy. We stayed on the call for about a half hour, and it was still going when we ended the call. We do not get that kind of weather here.  My point is, even if we did, seeing that kind of display is only a faint shadow of the power of God. Think of it this way. I don’t know if God used a Big Bang to bring the universe into existence or if it all just appeared the way it is, by His Word. It doesn’t really matter to me. But here’s the thing. Scientists say that the universe seems to be expanding in all directions, and they say it’s because of the explosion that they call the big bang. Imagine the power! And the explosion that is still in motion after all those years! And what was the cause of it? God’s Word. God said, “Let there be….” and WHAMMO! it happened. And it is still going. Yes, God’s power is somethin’ else. And yes, we should have a respect for His power, and a fear, even, if we do not have a relationship with Him. But get a hold of this concept. Even with all of this power, this God with infinite power and infinite knowledge, this God who is everywhere at once, who is outside of time and space, wants so much to have a relationship with us that He gave all of that up to inhabit a human body for 33 years and then suffer an excruciating death, and glorious resurrection in order to pay the price for our sin. If He would do that, then I don’t fear him like Elihu did. I worship Him. I adore Him. I owe everything to Him. And I look forward to the day when I see Him face to face, when I have no doubt that I will fall on my knees at His presence. 
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