Episode Summary

Learn to Love Yourself Through Inner Child Healing & Reparenting Sarah Lane It is no secret that childhood experiences shape our beliefs about ourselves and the world. But how do our childhood experiences relate to our adult relationships? How was the way we received love as a child, relevant to our everyday life now? Listen as we explore these questions. Focus Spiritual Virtues: Awareness, introspect, vulnerability and humility. Maintaining a sense of awareness that there is an inner child within you is the first step in learning to love yourself. Once this awareness is achieved, you are able to dig a little deeper with introspect, and find out what type of wounds your inner child is facing. What are my beliefs about success, love, and relationships? How did my childhood experience inform these beliefs? Figuring this out then opens the door of vulnerability. Recognizing the wounds of your inner child, allows you to become a tender loving adult to yourself. Vulnerability opens this door of self-love by allowing you to be open and honest with yourself about the pain of the wounds. Finally, humility is required to take responsibility for any dysfunctional relationships you are engaging in as an adult; this may be with others or with yourself. Such dysfunction is simply a result of inner child wounds playing out in real time. Once the process of awareness, introspect and vulnerability ensue, humility is required to acknowledge yourself as a key player in your own suffering. To learn more about the relationship between these virtues, read this- https://www.spiriosity.com/blog/spiriosity/religionparallels Our Guest: As a Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Healer, and Womb Wisdom Teacher, Sarah Lane is on a mission to empower women to heal themselves and awaken their Feminine Power so they can embody their Highest Self and live with purpose. Sarah is inspired by nature, shamanic healing, womb sciences, and the chakra system. She empowers you to find your own answers and guidance through connecting with your body’s wisdom and Higher Power. With 10+ years yoga experience, 2 years Reiki experience, and many years of deep spiritual and emotional healing work, Sarah is fully equipped to support you with a safe and loving container for transformation. You will receive a blend of energetic, spiritual, and practical knowledge and ancient wisdom to help you overcome obstacles in life, love, relationships, spirituality, career, and everything in between. When working with Sarah, you’ll experience powerful breakthroughs via breathwork, dance, meditation, inner child healing, womb healing, yoga, and powerful coaching techniques so you can heal wounds, patterns, and beliefs and embody your Highest Self. Sarah serves women worldwide and resides in Encinitas, CA where she enjoys dancing on the beach, hiking in nature, and indulging in all of the delicious SoCal vegan food. Websites: https://sarahlane.coach Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/namaslane/ Access Bonus Material & Information Here: https://linktr.ee/namaslane The Embodied Creatrix: https://sarahlane.coach/creatrix/
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