Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today we will complete the book of  Psalms 96-98. I’ll have comments on both chapters after the reading, and I’m calling today’s episode “Praise and Worship.” Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Steve Webb Comments on Psalms 96-98 For the most part, these chapters were psalms of worship and celebration.  Do you know Dennis Prager? I love the guy. He is a Jew, and of course I disagree with him on that point, but he is right on so many things. I pray that he will meet Yeshua, and see that He is the Messiah that the Jews have been looking for. Dennis has been on the radio since 1982, and his show has been syndicated to hundreds of radio stations for decades. And he’s had a syndicated newspaper column for even longer than his radio show, I think. He’s written several books, one of which is “Happiness Is A Serious Problem.” On his daily radio show, every week he devotes an hour to discussing happiness. He calls it “The Happiness Hour”. And he believes is that it is your responsibility, especially to the people around you, to be happy. And he says that you can become happy by acting happy. I am, of course greatly over simplifying Dennis’ thoughts, but you get the essence. Just as we have a responsibility to be happy, we as believers have a responsibility to worship and praise God. Even when you don’t feel like giving worship and praise to God, do it anyway. And when you do, I can almost guarantee that you will begin to feel God’s blessings, and you will actually feel like praising and worshipping. It’s happened this way for me many, many times.  The psalms we read today can be used as a template, or even a verbatim script to get you started. David is so good pouring out his heart in song, both his broken heart and his soaring heart. And when you are feeling like you just can’t bring yourself to rejoice in the Lord, I hope you will remember to turn to David for inspiration. That’s why God included the Psalms in Scripture, beloved. Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 96 NLT; Ch. 97-98 NASB Support This a value for value podcast. There are no advertisers because advertising equals censorship. If you enjoy the Lifespring One Year Bible Rewind, decide how much value it brings to you. Only you can make that determination. Then put a number on the value and donate here: SUPPORT
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