Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

For this episode of Journey to Sovereignty, we’re going to start a deep dive into Bitcoin as a tool for sovereignty. The first and most basic step to gaining sovereignty through Bitcoin is holding your own keys, but what’s the best way to do so? Are hardware wallets (or “signing devices”, another common term for hardware wallets) the best tool for everyone? And how do they even work? We’ll dive into hardware wallets today and answer your questions on the topic. Learn More About Foundation Journey to Sovereignty is brought to you by Foundation, where we build Bitcoin-centric tools that empower you to reclaim your digital sovereignty. This includes our Passport hardware wallet and Envoy mobile app. Our Website  Passport   Envoy   Follow Us Twitter (@FOUNDATIONdvcs)  Telegram (@foundationdevices)  YouTube (@foundationdevices) 
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