Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today we will complete the book of Psalms 93-95. I’ll have comments on both chapters after the reading, and I’m calling today’s episode “Surf’s Up Part 2.” Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Cristian Palmer on Unsplash Comments on Psalms 93-95 Psalm 93 I don’t know about you, but I can’t help but get excited when I read chapters like these. Psalm 93 declares that God is king, then proceeds to illustrate in great, majestic language how this is true. But mightier than the violent raging of the seas,mightier than the breakers on the shore—the Lord above is mightier than these! Psalm 93:4 NLT When I read this verse, I am immediately taken back to a morning when I was about seventeen or eighteen years old. It was a beautiful, sunny, southern California day. I was at a spot right on the border of Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. My friends and I called it “the jetty”. And the waves were pumping that day. The sets were coming in at about twelve feet. And they were perfectly shaped for surfing. Nice tubes. The biggest waves I had ever been in. It was truly a rare day. And I was terrified. Sure, they were great waves, and guys were getting spectacular rides, but I had never ridden waves this big. I was used to the average waves that come through…two to four feet. I had ridden hundreds, if not thousands of those waves. But these 12 footers were a completely new experience. Just paddling out was a challenge. Even though I was in great shape, having been a competitive swimmer for about ten years, with a lot of first place finishes, I was having a hard time making progress as I tried to paddle out. These waves were stronger than anything I had ever experienced. I felt completely helpless. But finally there was a lull between the sets, and I was able to paddle out to where the other guys were waiting to grab a ride when the next set came through. As we waited, I was able to rest and regain my strength. The fatigue in my shoulders faded, my breathing relaxed, and I watched the horizon, waiting for signs of the next set. I didn’t have to wait very long. Pretty soon I could see the color of the horizon get darker and rise as the swell rushed in toward the shore. I turned my board around to face the beach and began to paddle as hard as I could. And before I knew it, the swell began to lift me up and push me faster and faster. And the wave began to break. The tube w
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