Episode Summary
Hello Martinis and Your Money Listeners! We’ve got four months to go until the end of this podcast and I couldn’t be more excited about all of the new episodes coming your way. It’s July and because of the July Fourth holiday I always think about Financial Independence this month. For the past 15 years of my life, I have coached dozens of individuals to and through Financial Independence and the biggest factor I see between people who are close to achieving it or have already achieved it is a belief or manifestation in something big. And when I say something big, I want to clarify that “big” is a relative term and it’s different for every single one of my clients, but if you are someone living in a scarcity mindset, you will have a difficult time getting to FI and you may be your biggest roadblock to getting there. This month, I am going to share with you three people’s stories that will blow your minds. All of them started probably similar to wherever you are now and within 5-10 years they have achieved some massive goals and yes you heard me right 5-10 years. FI is not a goal to be achieved overnight, but it’s a goal that with enough mindset and manifestation can be accomplished sooner than later. Doesn’t it make sense to work really hard for 5-10 years to have the next 20+ of freedom for yourself? I think so. Joining me today is Malyia McNaughton founder of Made by Malyia. Malyia has been on the show twice before, so if you want more of her backstory, I recommend you listen to those previous episodes, but spoiler alert she has built a successful jewelry brand with no real experience and bootstrapped much of her journey. I have been a fan of Malyia’s since I saw her progression hoops on display in Financial Gym’s headquarters almost 5 years ago now. Malyia joins me to share her story of not only survival but how she’s thriving despite all of the naysayers and challenges that have come her way. For more information, visit the show notes: https://www.martinisandyourmoney.com/show-notes/episode540