Alternate Thursdays

Episode Summary

Through 80 episodes, the Sopranos has been a bit like a Roulette wheel: we never quite know where things are gonna land. "Chasing It" is no different. From "Whitecaps lite" to oases in one's week, grab your Poda Bing glasses and let's go for a spin.Selected topics discussed/References made:Daniel Plainview, Run Lola Run, Wesley Snipes, Stuart Scott, Drago's wife, Hesh's holdings, B-Rabbit, Papa Doc, Chris Webber, Jalen Rose, Bob Ley, Dostoevsky, Donna Summer, Bonobo, and more!Poda Bing is an Alternate Thursdays production created by Vik Singh (@helloimvik)Follow @podabing on IG, Twitter or wherever tfAll archived episodes are available, for free, at and anywhere you listen to podcasts.
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