Episode Summary

What is Web3? Beginners Guide to Blockchain and Decentralized Web 3.0 What exactly is Web 3? In this beginner's guide to Web 3, we explain how it is the next step on the Internet. It is in the process of being developed, and there is no definitive or definitive definition of the nature of Web 3 or will be. Web 3 refers to an Internet that is enabled through decentralized networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum Web3 is being hailed as the next generation of the internet. The concept for this new blockchain-based web is that it will include DAOs, cryptocurrencies, NFTs as well as decentralized finance, and much more. It is a read/write/own variant of the internet where users can have the option of gaining financial ownership and greater control over the web communities. Intro To What is Web3 0:00 - 0:57 Why Does Web3 Matter 0:57 - 2:03 What Is The Main Difference Between Web 1, Web 2, and Web3 2:03 - 2:51 Explanation About Web 1 And Web 2 2:51 - 3:52 Web 3 Is All About Read, Write, And Owning Your Content 3:52 - 4:24 What Is A Token 4:24 - 6:41 How do Decentralized Web3 Business Applications Work? 1. Decentralized web business applications work by allowing users to access and interact with the application through a decentralized network. 2. This decentralized network is often based on blockchain technology, which allows for secure and transparent transactions. 3. Decentralized web3 business applications often have no central authority or control, which makes them more resistant to censorship and fraud. 4. Users of decentralized web3 business applications can often earn rewards for participating in the network, such as by providing data or processing transactions. 5. Decentralized web3 business applications have the potential to disrupt many industries by offering a more efficient and secure alternative to traditional centralized applications. Visit our website:- https://collabifytv.com More info on Web3:- https://hbr.org/2022/05/what-is-web3 What is Web3 and blockchain:- https://sites.google.com/view/what-is-web3 Learn More on Our Social Networks:- Please Subscribe:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD6U9mP6yNSLapR811ePsmA Follow Collabify on Twitter:-
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