Value for Value ⚡️
Greenland ice thickness
Episode Summary
A summary of key contributions to the R language itself from R Dev Day at the Shiny in Production conference, and visualizing ice thickness in Greenland with
the power of the tidyverse and leaflet.Episode LinksThis week's curator: Jon Calder - (Mastodon) & @jonmcalder (X/Twitter)R Dev
Day @ SIP 2024Greenland ice thicknessEntire issue available at ResourcesR Contribution Working Group https... Show More
the power of the tidyverse and leaflet.Episode LinksThis week's curator: Jon Calder - (Mastodon) & @jonmcalder (X/Twitter)R Dev
Day @ SIP 2024Greenland ice thicknessEntire issue available at ResourcesR Contribution Working Group https... Show More