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Tina & Adam CurryComedy

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Episode Summary

Curry & The Keeper - October 2nd 2024 Episode 107 - "Joy in Chaos" Art by: Craig Weinberg Credits Executive Producer: Omegaman -Gary Blatt - Pastor Jimmy Pruitt Associate Executive Producers: David Foley Salmon Yay's: ----------------------- Show Notes Back on the Fountain Top 10! Adam and Tina Curry discuss their favorite wine, a 2021 Pinot Noir with 90 points and 90 calories per glass, and its bio-engineered origins. They recount hosting Pastor Jimmy and his wife, Annette, and Tina's initial reluctance to wear a dress, which she later loved. They also talk about their upcoming hiking trip in the Smoky Mountains and the impact of recent floods in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia. Adam mentions his new flip phone, which helps him reduce screen time. They express gratitude for their community's support and discuss their faith journey, including Tina's devotionals and a recent conversation with Pastor Jimmy and Annette. Opie Way - Justin Gas for Lincoln NC airport The Flex Phoebe 97.6lbs Dutch Video Virtual Summit - Valerie B Love <audio style="width:400px; vertical-align:middle;" controls="true" preload="none"><source src="https://noagendaassets.com/enc/1727918136.564_curryandthekeeper-rockversion-mp3.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio> <a style="vertical-align:middle;" href="https://noagendaassets.com/enc/1727918136.564_curryandthekeeper-rockversion-mp3.mp3">Curry and the Keeper - Rock Version - MP3.mp3</audio> Godcaster Willy Chess Boostagram Ball - Live in Austin God Shot Question of the Week Tasting Room Goodies The Wine ----------------------------------------------------------- Bridge Church Fredericksburg Texas 3 Apps with purchase built in - MoonPay CurryAndTheKeeper.com PO Box 1849 - Fredericksburg Texas 78624 Last Modified 10/02/2024 20:03:36 by Freedom Controller  
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