(Clip) Episode #64 How To Give Without Expectation And Receive Without Resistance With Christopher Salem

Episode Summary

Unlimited Business Wisdom Ep # 64 With Christopher Salem - How To Give Without Expectation And Receive Without ResistanceChris Salem has a special passion for empowering business leaders and entrepreneurs. For years, Chris observed people aspiring to make changes and grow but struggled at different phases of their career and life. He is just like you, a regular person that has faced multiple struggles.  While Chris has experienced much success over a 26-year career as a Senior Sales Executive, investing in businesses, and implementing residual income platforms, there were setbacks dealing with addictions. Eventually, he found a way to address the addiction and master experiencing prosperity at a higher level.  This has led to Chris’ mission to empower others to experience the meaning of prosperity on all levels including health and wellness. He shares from experience what has worked successfully through hard work and dedication to help his clients overcome challenges.In this episode, Chris discusses practical tips on How To Give Without Expectation And Receive Without Resistance.He provides great detailed actionable advice and also shares his favorite vacation spot.You can easily find Chris here:www.christophersalem.comFind out more and join the virtual community Built for Brilliance here:https://buildbrilliance.net
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  • (Clip) Untitled Episode