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₿usiness Cat, FundamentalsSelf-Improvement, Education

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And then somebody in our in our chat group, Shadrach, he also mentioned it. And I was like, alright. I gotta listen to that. The tele the, telepathy teams have been blowing my mind the past couple days. And yeah. So, I mean, telepathy is real and non nonverbal autistic people. The claim is that every single nonverbal autistic person is capable of this, And these these tapes are is this woman who went around and interviewed a bunch of kids and parents who, like, their kids can read their brains, and it's dude, it's blowing my mind so much.

Episode Summary

Recorded Jan 11, 2025 - 878785If you like the show and want to support us, you can stream sats by listening with any podcasting 2.0 app.Follow Rock Paper Bitcoin on Nostr & XFollow Business Cat on Nostr & XFollow Fundamentals on Nostr & XJoin our Telegram group and guess what color I'm thinkingThe Telepathy Tapes - YouTube channelThanks for listening, dear listener 🙏
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